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Hex Code #6a6590 Color Information

In a RGB color space, hex 6a6590 is composed of 41.6% red, 39.6% green, and 56.5% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 26.4% cyan, 29.9% magenta, 0.0% yellow, and 43.5% black. In an HSL color space, it has a hue angle of 247 degrees, a saturation of 18%, and a lightness of 48%.

#6a6590 Color Conversion Table

The provided color conversion table translates the hex value, #6a6590, to several different color spaces.

TypeValueCSS Code
Hex Value#6a6590#6a6590
RGB Decimal106, 101, 144rgb(106, 101, 144)
RGB Percent41.6%, 39.6%, 56.5%rgb(106, 101, 144)
CMYK26.4%, 29.9%, 0.0%, 43.5%
HSL247°, 18%, 48%hsl(247, 18%, 48%)
HSV (or HSB)247°, 30%, 56%

Color Schemes with #6a6590

Complementary Color

Complementary color schemes consists of two colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel. This scheme creates strong contrast and is commonly used for visual impact.

Analogous Color

Analogous color schemes is created by selecting three colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel. This scheme is perceived as harmonious and is commonly used for a calming and serene effect.

Split Complementary Color

Split complementary color schemes includes the complementary color and two adjacent colors. This scheme offers contrast while maintaining a degree of harmony. It is commonly used in design for a balanced look.

Triadic Color

Triadic color schemes consists of three colors that are evenly spaced around the color wheel. This scheme offers a balanced and vibrant combination and is commonly used for a lively and energetic feel.

Tetradic Color

Tetradic color schemes involves four colors that form a rectangle on the color wheel. This scheme provides a diverse and balanced combination, making it suitable for creating contrast and visual interest in design.

Square Color

Square color schemes involves four colors that form a square on the color wheel. This scheme provides evenly-spaced color which adds substantial contrast to designs.

Color Variations of #6a6590


Shades are created by adding black to a base color. They are darker and less vibrant than the original color.


Tints are created by adding white to a base color. They are lighter and less saturated than the original color.


Tones are created by adding gray to a base color. They are less saturated and often appear muted compared to the original color.


Hues are variations of a color created by changing its dominant hue while keeping the lightness and saturation constant.


Temperature variations represent the warmness or coolness of a color. Warm colors include reds and yellows, while cool colors include blues and greens.